Angela Carter
Angela Carter
出生: 07/05/1940 逝世: 16/02/1992 性别: Female 职业: Novelist and JournalistAngela Carter is one of the boldest and most original writers of the 20th century. Her work draws on an eclectic range of themes and influences, from Gothic fantasy, traditional fairy tales, Shakespeare and music hall, through to Surrealism and cinema. Carter breaks many long-established taboos and mores, not least in her forthright realigning of women as central to, and in control of, their own narratives. She is the author of the novels Shadow Dance (1966), Several Perceptions (1968, Somerset Maugham Award), The Bloody Chamber (1979), Nights at the Circus (1984) and Wise Children (1991). The British Library is guardian to a rich collection of Angela Carter’s manuscripts, notebooks and research papers.
照片来源: Angela Carter by Fay Godwin © British Library Board主要作品

‘What a joy it is to dance and sing!’: Angela Carter and Wise Children
Legitimacy and illegitimacy, high and low culture, north versus south London, everything in Wise Children has duality at its heart. Greg Buzwell examines Angela Carter’s last novel, the story of Dora and Nora Chance, the Hazard acting dynasty, and a life lived in the public gaze.