James Joyce
James Joyce
别名: James Augustine Aloysius Joyce 出生: 2 February 1882 逝世: 13 January 1941 性别: Male 时期: 20th century 类型: Novel 职业: Novelist, short story writerJames Augustine Aloysius Joyce was born in West Rathgar, Dublin, in 1882. His first publication in 1907 was the poetry collection Chamber Music. His short story collection, Dubliners, had been delayed by years of arguments with printers over its contents, but was also published in 1914. Joyce then began work on Ulysses, an experimental account of a single day in Dublin. The novel was serialised between 1918 and 20, but full publication was delayed due to problems with American obscenity laws. The work was finally published in book form by his friend Sylvia Beach in Paris in 1922. His last novel, Finnegans Wake (1939), is an innovative language experiment that contains over 40 languages and a huge variety of popular and arcane references. Having suffered from deteriorating eye sight and bouts of colitis for much of his life, Joyce died of a perforated duodenal ulcer in Zürich in 1941, where he is buried at Funtern Cemetery.