Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle
出生: 22/05/1859 逝世: 07/07/1930 性别: Male 类型: Crime Fiction 职业: NovelistSir Arthur Conan Doyle was a writer and doctor, catapulted to fame by his stories featuring the master of logic and deduction, Sherlock Holmes. The enormous success of these detective tales allowed Conan Doyle to give up his medical practice in 1891 and dedicate himself to writing. His output was wide-ranging: plays, verse, memoirs, articles on sport, short stories, historical novels and finally supernatural novels and writings on spiritualism. Yet, much to his later frustration, his most successful creation remained Holmes.
照片来源: Arthur Conan Doyle by Walter Stonemason © National Portrait Gallery, London相关文章

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