William Blake
William Blake
出生: 28/11/1757 逝世: 12/08/1827 性别: Male 职业: poet and painterWilliam Blake is famous today as a visionary poet, painter, engraver and mystic. But his work, especially his poetry, was largely ignored during his own lifetime and took many years to gain widespread appreciation. Much in demand as an engraver, he experimented with combining poetry and image in a printing process he invented himself in 1789. Among the spectacular works of art this produced were ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’, ‘Visions of the Daughters of Albion’, ‘Jerusalem’ and ‘Songs of Innocence and Experience’.
照片来源: William Blake by Thomas Phillips © National Portrait Gallery, London主要作品
The Notebook of William Blake
英文标题: The Notebook of William Blake 出版日期: 1787–1818 创建: 1787–1818 格式: Poetry collection 文学时期: Romantic 类型: Romantic poetry 了解该作品相关文章

William Blake and 18th-century children’s literature
Julian Walker looks at William Blake’s poetry in the context of 18th-century children’s literature, considering how the poems’ attitudes towards childhood challenge traditional ideas about moral education during that period.

William Blake’s printing process
Michael Phillips demonstrates William Blake’s printing process, explaining how it relates to his work as a poet and artist. Filmed at Morley College, London.

Perceptions of childhood
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The Romantics
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The Industrial Revolution
In this article Matthew White explores the industrial revolution which changed the landscape and infrastructure of Britain forever.

The rise of cities in the 18th century
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