位於一樓(Upper Ground Floor)的常設展覽「集郵館藏展」將輪流展出八萬件集郵館藏,觀眾將得以親睹種類繁多的珍稀郵票。
- Banknotes from the Crown Agents Philatelic & Security Printing Archive
- The Tapling Collection World to 1890; exhibited are countries A-M (Mauritius) on 2,000 pages (countries M (Mexico) -Z are available to researchers by appointment)
- The Mosely Collection of British Africa to 1935
- The Bojanowicz Collection of Poland 1939 – 1946 stamps and postal history
- The Model Collection of Germany 1945 – 1946 local provisional stamps
- The Harrison Collection of die proofs 1911 -1937, engraved by J.A.C. Harrison
- The Davies Collection of Libyan revenue stamps 1955 – 1969
- The Fitz Gerald Collection of World Airmails to the 1930s (selected pages)
- The Bailey Collection of Spanish Civil War stamps and postal history 1936 – 1939 (selected pages)
- The Turner Collection of Great Britain and Ireland Railway Letter Stamps 1891 – 1940 (selected pages)
- The Langmead Collection of Great Britain and Ireland Telegraph stamps, 1851 – 1881